Monday, 28 April 2014



One thing that we all have to accept is each one of us is suffering from a kind of disease that is dissatisfaction, but it is true that dissatisfaction is a kind of disease if it is not treated at proper time, it will become a serious problem for the human beings itself and their surrounding friends and family members.
It is a definite thing that every person has so many reasons for getting dissatisfied, but if we see and observe, we find that there are so many reasons which tell us why a person should not get dissatisfied?
Now the question rises here that what do I mean by positive things? The question itself answers.
there are so many incidents that happens in our daily routine work like you are in tension because you have to go to a party and your servant didn‟t iron your cloths, because of the routine of your job, one of your colleague is on leave without any information, so your work load is increased suddenly, you are going to take your regular lecture but suddenly you find that you forget to prepare regular notes, you know that some of the members are not working at their full efficiency and the list of complaints and dissatisfaction goes increasing on and on … people have sufficient reasons for getting dissatisfied.
But just think for a while, how many of our friend‟s circles have servants, job and their own vehicles? How many of us are invited to parties, and the instantly you ask such kind of questions to yourself then answer strikes in your mind and gives a great peace. This is an uncountable truth that we people belong to a very small but very lucky minority group of people of this universe who have no reason of getting dissatisfied.
there is a formulae of always remaining satisfied that whenever you have a feeling of getting dissatisfied for such kind of small reasons, just make a general comparison of yourself with those men‟s and women‟s of your society, colony, city or nation who do not have lovely place to live, electricity at their home, sufficient food to eat and proper work to earn their livelihood. You will definitely get answer and reasons why you always remain satisfied.
Here I don‟t want to say that people don‟t have dream and don‟t get ambitious. But I just want to suggest you that dreaming of anything big is right, being ambitious about anything is a right but set your goals because you want to achieve with your hard work not because of the comparisons. Suppose, you want to “purchase an expensive car” it‟s great but before you do so first make it clear that why you want that car
1. Because you really like and need it?
2. Or you want it because you compared your living standard with the people of highly sophisticated elite ones.

If you belong to the first category then it is very good, and starts working for it. But if you belong to second category then this comparison will lead you to a great level of dissatisfaction.
At last I want to share a great Gandhigiri thought with all of you “ yahaan dunia ki jarooraton ke anoosar paryapt dhan hai, lekin wo dunia ke lalach ke liye paryapt nahi hai”.
So whenever you get dissatisfied, just think on these talisman and you will automatically get answer and pacify yourself.

“So keep smiling and remain satisfied because satisfaction is the key of getting soothe and diminish you sorrows” 

Sunday, 27 April 2014

The pathetic ones in life………………………………………

The pathetic ones in life……………………………………….
In the modern day life routine we all have already missed so many things. it is very true to admit that it is quit impossible to achieve most of the things once again like cooking food as it was prepared by our mother or again having the summer vacation as we have enjoyed in our childhood, But out of loosing such things; we have also lost a very important fact that is the art of making real friends and to nourish the relation of friendship.
I remember those friends who used to come to my house during my childhood; truly they were the real friends. They belong to simple middle class families but their relation of friendship was honest. My family did not have relations with them from generations but we only know them from certain years, we always feel comfortable with them and always have secure feeling among them. We always behave in front of them in a manner what we really are, and we need not to create any facade in front of them.
When I look behind, I use to think that now a days the feeling of socialism is getting weaker day by day. In present days we all have so much modern ways of communication but if we realize, we really find that how many true friends we have lost.
With the help of modern means of communications like internet, social networking websites we are in touch with the unknown people who are residing thousands of kilometers from us, but we did not have time to meet to our friends who are just few steps away from us in our city. If we try to realize that why this is happening with us???
We all know the answer of this question, that is lack of time and as well as opportunities but  more of this there is one more reason that is lack of care for and our nature of being ambitious. Due to this nature we only make friendship with those people to whom we know and have some profit issues with them. As our profit issues get fulfilled with them, we leave them. If you see your old diaries and old visiting cards then you will get the answer.
It is hard to accept that we usually choose those persons for our friendship whose social status is equal to us or colleague in the office, and if we analyze, we can understand that what we become in our free time, from my point of view we will become a complete “office PUPPET PACKAGE”.
It means on holiday you are with your friends (office colleague) and you all are discussing about college, again you put all your aggression in that gossip. Instead of feeling relax after meeting with friends you will feel tensed.
Therefore pick the old dairies from the cubord and dial the telephone number of your old college or school friend to whom you did not talk for many years. Believe me when you talk about your old days, when you laugh on the jokes that you made of your professors and teachers then you definitely feel calm and automatically your blood pressure get normal.
 Always remember “friends are forever” and say thanks to god that you still have some friends to whom you can make call.