Saturday, 7 June 2014


Do you know the cause of mourning is that most of us always remain in anxiety due to the things that  happened in their past or due to things that would happen in future or always remain thinking of their future or past. We did not try to take the advantages of the things at hand while living in today. And we usually picture of those incidents which affected our life very much, most of the times of those which were the unconstructive, unenthusiastic and we keep saying to our self that –“I wish I could turn back time passed”.  Or “how it would be if it were not like that???
If we did not try to remember our past incidents pleasingly, we use to hold responsible some other persons for those incidents. i saw some people in our society, friend circle and in family also, who failed to accept their past, whether it would be some financial loss or failure in their married life. Such sort of people always delimited themselves with their past reminiscences and failed to breathe in their present, failed to realize their plans in their present, because their past always barge in, in their present. Sediment easily make abode in their intelligence and due to this the conditions get awful in life.
My friends always keep in mind the past cannot be changed and future is precarious, so why we fritter away our present for the stuff which cannot be changed and the thing which is indefinite. We have the only thing in our hand that is present and our efforts to build our present can craft our blissful future. So it is very much necessary that we must live in present .Make use of and enjoy each and every second of our life.
My grandmother used to advise me a simple lesson of life in one line during my childhood “life is not the name of being afraid of storm, it is name of dancing flawlessly in rain” I used to ask her what does these line meant for? And she always smiled and said my child one day when you will learn to live and enjoy your present then you will automatically understand the meaning of these lines. And now I understand what my grandmother wants to teach me.
I learn that do not try to run away from any empirically of life. Live each second of life like it would be your last day. There is a famous phrase “if you take care of pennies then the pounds will take care of themselves”. Similarly if we try to live each and every second of life in a joy full manner then automatically our life will be full of happiness.

Forget the disappointment of your past and forget the problems that can take place in future, make your today as the finest day of the year .and cheerless line that you can say is “if I would get one more life I will …….” Stop saying such kind of idiotic things, today is the only day so hold your breath to get start………..

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